Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Rant Work Period and Iris Update

Use today's Period 3 class to complete and print your Rant for Humanities and also to complete the following Iris update:

Click here

We will be returning to Period 4 in Room 4, so use your time wisely.

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Lottery instructions

You are to write two paragraphs:  A summary of the plot events as above (list on the board) and an argument for the author’s purpose or point (theme).

Audiobook: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kwhCf9D5gbg

Video Adaptation:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s1TV1R1kK9A

Use the following site to choose a picture to respond to by writing an expository or narrative piece.  Your writing will be assessed for vocabulary.  Be sure to choose words and phrases that paint a vivid, accurate response to the picture you choose.


You do not need to respond to the Sleeping Supermen prompt - feel free to click through and select an image that speaks to you.  Describe what you see, tell a story inspired by the picture, or list observations.

Complete your work in Google Docs and print a copy for Stafford.