Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Use the following form to explore a minimum of three current events that are happening within Calgary, Alberta, Canada or internationally.


Thursday, November 21, 2019

Picture Prompt Quick Write

Use the following site to choose a picture to respond to by writing an expository or narrative piece.  Your writing will be assessed for sentence structure.  Be sure to capitalize appropriately and include a variety of sentence types and lengths. 


You do not need to respond to the polar bear prompt - feel free to click through and select an image that speaks to you.  Describe what you see, tell a story inspired by the picture, or list observations.

Complete your work in Google Docs and print a copy for Stafford. 

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

SE Hinton Biography Links

S.E. Hinton is the author of The Outsiders.

Use these links to familiarize yourself with S.E. Hinton's life and times:



Also considering googling images of:  Covairs (cars) and Madras (shirts).

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Metis Week

Here are the digital versions of the tasks you will be completing this week for Metis Week.  They include clickable links to resources as well as the instructions for what to do with the resources:



Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Link for Today

Use the following link to explore Canada's military history.

Prepare a brief paragraph in Google Docs that links to the piece(s) you looked at and explains what you explored and what it means to you.
